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Sherree Francis Flowers was formed through a true love of floristry.  It’s been a long journey since our early roots, and we’re delighted to have recently launched our new website, where we can give our flower business the online presence it really deserves!
The story began in 2004, when founder Sherree bought a garden centre in South London. Suddenly at the helm of a company which only sold about 20% of flower-based stock, the flowers there weren’t of the highest quality – but the trained floristry staff had the skills and know-how to transform them into beautiful arrangements. Over the years, Sherree found that she was being asked to do more and more floristry-based work…and with a workforce of trained florists, it made sense that these skills should be put to good use! Having never originally intended to work in floristry, she found herself more and more intrigued by the world of flowers…
In 2008, Sherree Francis Flowers was born. In 2011, Sherree met her future business partner Olga and quickly became friends. With a background in the corporate world of project management, Moscow-born Olga was ready for a change of scene and a change of career - so it wasn’t long before the pair were working together to develop the business.
Our new site represents the next chapter of the story – and we can’t wait to share all the latest news and updates with you online.
Trivial/brief facts about Sherree
Favourite flower(s)?
There are so many beautiful flowers! I will narrow it down to hydrangeas, peonies and ranunculus – unfortunately I can only enjoy these stunning flowers for a limited time as they are not available all year round. I also love calla lilies and oriental lilies which I can enjoy throughout the year.
Morning person or night owl?
Definitely a night owl which isn’t very helpful being a florist and having the crushingly early morning starts.
What would be your ideal career if you didn’t have a flower business?
A lady of leisure! But failing that a full time Property Developer. I have totally overdosed on “Homes Under The Hammer”!
A fact that everyone knows about you
I have a degree in Politics (it is a very long story how I ended up on the floristry business!) and a complete political geek. I always stay up and watch the UK and US Election results to the bitter end so end up not going to bed and heading straight to the flower market.  
Favourite food and drink
Again so much lovely food to choose from! I could eat roast potatoes every day. Also warm chocolate cake with (melted) ice cream.
I am not a big drinker (not crazy about the taste of alcohol)  but one of our clients makes a top tiramisu cocktail – just divine.
Favourite cuisine
Caribbean (obviously), Italian, Modern British/European, Greek, Turkish, Middle Eastern – I could go on!
Any quirky / eccentric habits?
I cannot eat ice cream straight from the freezer – I have to put it in the microwave to melt it a bit!
I use the word "obviously" way too much even when it isn’t necessary.
I scratch my eyebrows whilst I am reading a book. 
Trivial/brief facts about Olga
Favourite flower(s)?
Top of the list has to be lily of the valley and lilac. The exquisite scent of these beautiful flowers takes me back to my childhood in Russia.
Morning person or night owl?
Unfortunately, I am a night owl but being a tough Russian (with tons of discipline!) I do manage to jump out of bed all bright and breezy at 5am!
What would be your ideal career if you didn’t have a flower business?
I love organising parties and also travelling so it would be lovely to combine the two, so my dream job would be an Event Organiser and Planner of luxury or interesting holidays  
Fact(s) that everyone knows about you
I love baking and can make a mean cheesecake and carrot cake. I can hear “British Bake Off” calling me to apply!
Favourite food and drink
Oysters and Dom Perignon champagne – please don’t judge me!
Favourite Cuisine
French and Japanese every time
Any quirky / eccentric habits?
When I am concentrating I have a habit of talking to myself and asking myself questions. I  always get a very good and sensible answer back!